I guess all things considered, it's not THAT bad. And I know it will be off lickity split once I get back into routine.
But those five pounds still stare . . . looming over all the progress I've made.
It put me back over 280.
*sad face*
But, the bottom line is this.
I CAN fix it.
I CAN do better.
And I CAN lose it - and more.
How do I know this?
Because I've been doing it.
It may have taken me a year, but it has happened.
And it will continue to happen.
My new outlook in 2011 is to NOT be discouraged.
If you don't read my other blog, you should check out my New Year's Resolutions
Number eight might surprise you.
It says to "eat something really, really fattening once a week".
Yes, I will be fulfilling this resolution.
Because I CAN.
You see, I know that when I allow myself that one treat to look forward to, I can stay on a stricter regimine. As I eat my carrot and cucumber salad (which, with some balsamic vinegar is really, really yummy) I can repeat my mantra "fried chicken . . . fried chicken . . ." and it works. For me.
Now, for some of you, this tactic may be a little extreme. And that's okay!
But I want you to repeat with me my new Outlook Phrase:
Because, let's face it, if I CAN than ANYONE CAN!!!
Happy New Year and here't to being LOSERS IN 2011!!!

Good Luck Jen!! We will make this OUR YEAR to take control of our lives!! I begin my diet tomorrow....
I had my mom weigh me before Christmas, and she weighed me again tonight. I had gained 3 pounds.... But tomorrow begins the DROPPING of the scale numbers! I am very excited and determined.
Thanks again for sharing!
Good Luck!!
Seems to me a lot of people have success with a planned "cheat." I haven't tried it yet for myself. Scared:(
I think #8 is a fantastic resolution! It's attainable and it'll reward you for your good behavior.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! (fellow SITSter)
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